Stop wondering what's next for your career.

Get a behind-the-scenes look at my 5-step process to get clear on your next steps.

You can have work that fills you up, plays to your strengths and makes a difference.

This free masterclass shows you how to take stock of where you're at right now, clarify where you want to go, and get the right next steps to get there.

If you're looking for clarity and motivation, this masterclass is for you.

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What Past Participants Say


"The career planning exercises clicked in a way they just hadn't before when I'd been working through them quietly in books previous years.


"It was so validating to hear from everyone (across the world and across disciplines) some fo the same problems and feelings that I'm experiencing!

About your host

Lisa Hoashi is a career and life coach for professionals who are at an important crossroads and want to take a new direction. She loves facilitating new ideas and conversations about how we can add more joy, impact and fulfillment to our work and life. Originally from Portland, Oregon, her home and HQ is in now on a farm in the foothills of the Pyrenees, an hour north of Barcelona.